It all started years ago with invasive surgery to reduce the stomach size. The problem? There can be many side effects of gastric surgery and did you know, many people who have the surgery still end up gaining back the weight they lost?

Looking for a non-invasive weight loss solution led to the development of the gastric balloon. The balloon is placed in the stomach endoscopically (through the mouth) and then filled with saline until it takes up space in the stomach, reducing hunger and portion size.

The problem with the gastric balloon is that it can be quite uncomfortable and many people report feeling nauseous and vomiting soon after having the procedure. In addition, the balloon needs to be removed after six months and there is a risk of it deflating during that time.

Hypnosis has been shown to be an effective treatment for those who want to lose weight. And what if there was a way to combine hypnosis with the gastric balloon?

Gastric balloon hypnosis is a new weight loss treatment that is becoming increasingly popular. This treatment uses hypnosis to help people eat less and make healthier food choices. It is believed that by using gastric balloon hypnosis, people will be able to lose weight without the side effects of the gastric balloon.

The best part? Using the power of the mind there is no invasive medical procedure, and you can learn to respond to food as if your stomach was smaller! How does this work? The power of suggestion can literally be your guide to reducing food consumption and making healthy food choices.

What are the benefits of gastric balloon hypnosis?

Gastric balloon hypnosis has many potential benefits. These include:

No invasive medical procedures
No side effects
Can help you lose weight without dieting or exercise
Can help you make healthier food choices
Can help you learn to respond to food as if your stomach was smaller

Does this sound like an option for your health? Either in my office or on Zoom we can meet, and I can guide you through the tranquil process of gastric balloon hypnosis. Schedule your consultation today to see if gastric balloon hypnosis is the right weight loss treatment for you!

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